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Toxins build up in your body and if not removed, they will cause pain and sickness. This is what the lymphatic system helps prevent by filtering waste from the body. When the level of water in the body builds at a greater pace than it is eliminated, the lymph nodes are overburdened and enlarged. When filled to capacity the waste moves on to the next available nodes and can filter back into the surrounding tissues.
There are events that happen to the body that cause interference with the body's systems, and usually causes your lymph system to become sluggish. Things such as scars, physical and emotional trauma, infections, nutritional deficiencies and heavy metals. These events disrupt the normal, healthy flow.
The lymphatic system doesn’t have a pump, like the heart. So lymph is moved upwards from the body's tissues to the neck by the movements of the muscles. XTRACT utilizes light rhythmic movements to stimulate the lymphatic system without pressing hard on the vessels. They assist the lymph fluid to move easily through the nodes and tissues, making sure the fluid doesn’t get trapped anywhere.
With the industrialization of our world, ever increasing amounts of toxic elements are being released into our environment. From power plants burning coal that load the air with mercury, to tooth fillings, cosmetics, paints, batteries, fish and seafood, we are getting it from all sides.
The air we breathe is polluted, the water we drink is not as clear, the foods we eat are grown with antibiotics and hormones and are filled with additives. The buildings we work and live in are loaded with toxic chemicals. Personal care products like shampoo, toothpaste, shaving cream, deodorants, detergents, etc, contain chemicals and parabens that mix into our bloodstream through our skin. Many of these toxic elements accumulate in our tissues and are eliminated very slowly. While in the body, they can bind to cell surface receptors, blocking hormone function and neurotransmitter signals.
Even at low levels, these toxic elements have been associated with depression, anxiety, memory loss, fatigue, high blood pressure, kidney disease, immune suppression, ADD, autism, Alzheimers, Parkinsons, and heart failure.
It’s rather impossible to avoid accumulating some degree of toxins in our body. Our immune system and digestive system work constantly to stay on top of it, but when they fall behind, the leftover toxins need somewhere to go. They end up being stored in our tissues.
X-Cancel, T-Toxins, R-Release, A-Accelerated, C-Cellular, T-Transformation.
The XTRACT technique is an effective detox for the lymphatic system. It assists the lymphatic system in removing and ridding the body of toxins, fat, bacteria and other waste the body has stored over time. XTRACT helps to redirect the system to release the waste through the bladder and train the lymphatic system to release on its own after several sessions, thereby getting the lymphatic system back to a maintenance level.
XTRACT aids valve to valve flow of the lymphatic fluid redirected to the bladder for a more complete elimination. Valves are the structures that prevent the backflow of lymph in some lymphatic vessels. Valves are found in some larger lymphatic vessels and they prevent the backflow of lymph and thus, they allow only the forward flow of the lymph. These valves are known as semilunar valves.
"Cellular memory" is defined as the capacity of living tissue cells to memorize and recall characteristics of the body from which they originated. By stimulating the lymph, muscles and the energy field, the negative cellular memory of past stressors is released. This creates clearer, stronger fields of energy in the body/mind; and balances energy in the tissues of the body.
Ongoing visits are essential to maintain clear pathways and prevent stagnation and blockages. With XTRACT, we retrain the lymphatic system, establishing a cellular memory that empowers your body to operate at optimal health.